Defining Divine

Sarah Naura Irbah
5 min readFeb 17, 2017

In a certain place in which the very dramas are airing on the show, there firmly standing a unique creature called ‘Human’. Do you ever think of how you describe this creature? Or do you ever think of how other creatures adjudicate the humans? They’re so unique as they be; as each were consisted of various genes and alleles conformations, also producing various genotype and its phenotypes. Even so, varieties won’t make these creatures to become more sublime. It’s their logical framework of thinking that proposes. Yeah, we named it the framework of thinking; A key to the world’s fickly dynamics, a precursor of the ongoing phenomenons, and a first domino piece to tumble. One simple thought would become a surge of mind. One simple mind would become a surge of paradigm. One simple paradigm would become an action, an action would become a habit, and a simple touch of habit would greatly become culture. So first, and foremost, it’s the circuit or the framework of thinking that creates a pattern of life embodiment. It’s a God’s fairest gift cause we’re capable enough of doing this effortlessly.

Thinking. Im sure that 99% of the human population had ever been thinking about their existences in this world, why we’re being born and what shud we do with it, why we gotta do this do that and tada tada. We called it raison d’etre. And sooo as we grow up, we tend to be often blinded by the gleaming mundanes that are gradually instilled within us; been blinded by busily frenziedly hustle bustle of external demands and temptations. And somehow been accustomed and conditioned to the philosophical life regulations. Have you ever been thinking why should we work and doing the dull monotonous routines all over again? Or have you ever been thinking why do you live in such ferocious environments where people ambitiously contending just to be on the top? …arduously to meet people’s expectations? wanting to be respected so badly? to get the title? or merely just to be survive? But why? Why do they didnt share the same acknowledgements to survive and go to the top together? Why one must be the winner, the only one whom remarkably survive among the others? survive for what? survive for whom? Well. if you’ve ever been thinking about this whole phenomenons then you’re starting to get closer to thinking something more divine.

How are we defining divine actually? It’s not something that people could freely boasted. It’s something that most people reticently keep in mind cause they aint gonna start a fresh tongue skirmish dont they? I once read a book about a correlation of science and religion in philosophical aspects. The book pointed out that science and religion is like a tug of war and one self as a single player; then which side would he/she chose? meaning that the balance of life can be attained as to stay still in the mediocre equilibrium. Well…..I couldnt say so and I thought it wasnt entirely acceptable tho. So what is actually divine? Is it something like that we thought for all this time? Or is it actually a tangible realm over beyond human reach? No matter how we try, the underlying mystery would always be settled in the holy safekeeping. And no matter how hard we think, how we interpret the gazillions solar system, or how me make a bunch of various assumptions without any proofs to behold, we would never know the truth unless we’re gone from this place. But somehow, to me divine is rather like a tingling feeling through thinking than a hidden unreachable embodiment. And the question is, how often do we think about it?

As I told you before, everyday lifes didnt give enough time for us to think profoundly about the raison d’etre. Everyday, every single time our minds are solemnly occupied with daily mundanes as works or stuffs. Had it ever cross your mind that something might turn out dreadfully awful in a short period of time? Had it ever crossed your mind that if anything could possibly betide in just 1 second or less? Like when you’re running thru the station to catch a train, a second slower then the automatic door abruptly closed. Or when you’re horribly late for school/work, but no matter how fast your vehicle race on the street, one second slower still got you the red lamp instead of green. You would certainly be thinking of “what have i done wrong to deserve this kind of punishments” and you just keep blabbering prattling swearing nonstop out of your mouth. What’s the benefit anyway? Had it ever cross your mind what it would be of one second faster? maybe the train unexpectedly crashed in the middle of the trip, or the car got hit by an abysmally truck from the sideway? Are you prepared for that? Then again, …when you allowed yourself to taking in those alternate reasons and setting aside your prejudgements, you would be closer to something more divine.

Now. When you’re sitting quietly in a half-empty train, or strolling along the pavement, or laying alone in the bedroom, and your mind suddenly wandering off having no directions, you start thinking about “what the hell am i doing right now” and then you start contemplating about everything that has passed your day. And it feels as if the world looking at you, trying to talk to you, but you just dont know what to say. Or, when youre being showered by abundant activities on the weekdays, and then you have a free weekend and you got a ‘me time’ for yourself. Have you ever been thinking that a little part of you is actually missing? As if youre losing yourself? You’re wondering what have you done through the weekend, as if youre not there, your soul just sitting alone in the corner in utmost tranquility and silently watching as if the time instructed your body to always move along. You’re doing something. But you feel numb. Nothing. You feel like you’ve just woken up from a deep deep deep slumber with a higgledy-piggledy series of dreams. Then, when you get up and look in the mirror, you see the reflection of yourself, soulless, dull, hollow, and you start to think is it actually reflects your own self? your inner self? And you finally thinking of who you really are. Thinking about the things you get done with your own bare hands, have you done some good deeds or is the opposite? And then you sum up your courage to finally ask yourself a question thats been hindering you during the ‘deep sleep’ like, “why should I live?” “To whom we actually lived for?” If you have some those things in mind, …then again, you’re only one step closer to something divine.

Life maybe as just a fleeting glimpse. Time is always ticking and thought is always flicking. It can be as topsy-turvy as jumping bunny or as a hyperactive grasshopper. Even so, the more messy and unorganized our minds are, the further our minds wandering, the more complicated yourself become, the more youre getting lost in your thoughts, and more getting lost in your action, and above all, getting lost to yourself until you have no control of it…… You’re actually much closer to thinking something more divine, when you’ve finally found peace.

